BOH Soft plastics

Optional Action - BOH Soft plastic packaging

This action is about controlling the supply chain of back-of-house plastic packaging used or supplied on site, with the aim to

a) Minimise its use
b) Manage it so it does not contaminate the composting/recycling stream
c) Have it collected and recycled through a soft plastics recycling service.

If you have not yet sourced suppliers for your back-of-house needs, we encourage you to investigate suppliers who provide better options to plastic, such as returnable/reusable packaging or compostable items that can be placed in your composting stream (make sure these options are compostable, not just biodegradable).

Did you know that soft plastics can NOT go in general recycling?

Soft plastics have the potential to contaminate the whole load, which could possibly result in the recycling going to landfill.

Talk to your suppliers about not providing single-use plastic packaging

It's always worth asking your suppliers if they might have the capacity to supply better options, even if only to bring their attention to this problem and to encourage them to think about it for next time.

Here is a template supplier letter you can edit and use.

Another good way to bring attention to this matter and to encourage suppliers to review and avoid excessive use of plastic packaging, is to return any back-of-house plastic packaging to the supplier with their equipment. This includes (but is not limited to) staging, sound/video/lighting equipment, on-site facilities (ie. toilets) or crowd controls (ie. fencing).

IT'S AS EASY AS 1-2-3!

We recommend following these best steps to take to ensure that your soft plastic packaging does not end up in the general recycling bin.

1. Recycle your soft plastics

The best solution is to have a dedicated collection point for these plastics (e.g. a skip bin) and prearrange to have them recycled through a soft plastic recycling service such as Cleanaway. (This service is generally cheaper than your soft plastic going to landfill).

2. Create a dedicated collection point

This can be a skip bin or what ever is directed for you by what you set up in step 1. The recycling service will likely drop off and collect the bin for you as part of the service, or you can arrange your own bin. If your event is large you may need several bins.

3. Inform your staff and volunteers what to do

Let your staff know what plastics to separate out and where to put them. Make sure your bin/s is clearly labelled and in a designated easily accessible back-of-house area.

Get involved

Ready to go plastic free? Plastic Free Noosa helps to protect the environment by empowering the Noosa community in eliminating single-use plastics through direct engagement, recognition and facilitating circular economies.

Go plastic free
